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National Teaching Assistant's Day 2020

National Teaching Assistant's Day 2020

Date posted : 05 October 2020

National Teaching Assistant's Day took place on September 16th 2020. Despite the COVID restrictions, we were delighted that people still found a way to celebrate.

Congratulations to Julia Sullivan on winning the Teaching Assistant of the Year award! Being the overall 2020 winner of National Teaching Assistants' Day awards, Julia received a tablet computer, a free place on the national HLTA program from Best Practice Network, £50 Amazon voucher. Oaklands Catholic School will also receive the annual subscription to Best Practice Network's School Suite for 1 year (worth £2,000) and 12-month access for up to 100 students to English, maths & science learning resources from EdPlace 

Here are some pictures from the day:


We would like to thank everyone who took part. Here is to National Teaching Assistant's Day 2021!


List #1

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